Clarity of Purpose and Direction
“Great things are accomplished by a series of small things
brought together”
​Vincent Van Gough

I think we can all agree that the world has changed and that it is continuing to change, we are still trying to figure out the way forward, as we continue to go through major shifts and can feel at times somewhat disconnected to all that we knew our world and ourselves to be. As our truths shift we find ourselves asking who we are, where are we heading, and what is our purpose…
The 8 expands the directions of our personal and collective visions
so, we may recognise we are all part of the
Earths System
The energy of the 8 teacher is pragmatic, sensible, and realistic; it recognises that our goals are attained from wise choices, welcoming change, and working hard towards our personal and collective goals. And while our world continues to move in waves of uncertainties we also start to see the beginning of our new shifts, as the energy of the 8 teaches us that obstacles are really opportunities that test our fortitude of character and directs our minds towards new perspectives.
Out of chaos comes clarity of direction and now more than ever we seek new innovative ways forward. I believe we are expanding and growing in consciousness and that there is a silent revolution taking place within and around us all and that behind the economic turmoil’s, planetary uncertainties we are also looking for solutions to our problems, learning to shift our goal posts and creating new innovative ways forward.
Our realities are no longer fixed, as our awareness expands, we become more open and committed to understanding ourselves better by opening our hearts and minds to change, to manifest and emerge from within the hologram of the cosmic light. Progress comes from information or insight that has been accumulated along the way and true understanding produces a perfect balance from which visions can be turned into material realities. It is up to us individually to decide precisely what we want to accomplish, by recognising and eliminating any habits or attitudes that have held us back in the past, so we can shift gears and change directions. The energy of the Eight enables us to re-evaluate, this requires that we plunge into the depths of who we understand ourselves to be, to attain clarity on long-sitting issues that still require resolving, both on an individual and collective level.
When we are in tune with our personal and collective desire for change its power can drive us towards a shift in consciousness that benefits the whole. We must trust the events and circumstances that lead us from one evolutionary experience to the next, if we are not happy with where we are, then it is up to us to do what is necessary to change our circumstances. This quest must begin with recognising where we actually are right now, how we actually see ourselves and where we actually wish to head towards. Whatever your desire may be, it is important to treat it as a reachable ambition, even though our goals begin with our personal desires the ultimate goal must be for the collective connection and consciousness towards healthy growth and sustainable change that creates a bigger brighter future for our planet.
The energy of the 8 exposes us to many different forms of power, the right use of power will excite and empower us and others. While other circumstances will enable us to see the dire consequences of power when it is misused as it is so often apparent in our world of economic monopolisation. True power should not be measured by what we take out of life, but based on what we wish to contribute to it. The 8 maybe seen as an energy that pushes us to recognise and re-evaluate our life, to seize the opportunities that are presented to us and reminds us to be aware of what is taking place in the world and look at the realties around our personal and collective circumstances. We often have doubts as to how we can manifest our desires when we do not appear to have the means or knowledge to do so. We can ask ourselves; do I feel clear about where I am; Am I observing my life; Am I re-evaluating my potential and changing my direction without judgement, Am I serving myself in a way that benefits the world around me. Once we believe that we can create what we want and are willing to take steps towards change, we will realise that we are exactly where we need to be and recognise that the necessary inspiration and resources to redirect our lives on both a personal and collective level is attainable.
The energy of the 8 teacher requires practical application and gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate where we are and recognise what we wish to change and re-direct the course of our journey. Contradictory emotions may arise, but it is a time for us to reclaim our power and recognise how we truly wish to live and be. What was once considered okay may not apply today and if we wish to build a better society, it is essential we take action, not by blaming or competing with each other, but by supporting and accepting our diversities and differences. We should learn to concentrate on the larger issues and move away from pettiness and dependency.
Aim higher than ever before, be the change you wish to see in the world and believe in a better world.
The 8 Year is a time to quest clarity of purpose with direction with inner satisfaction and contentment, that serves the well-being of whole. The 8 is a director and like any director it has the ability to see the bigger picture and manoeuvre it accordingly, regardless of the sectors we serve or our personal belief systems the 8 teaches us to embrace all equally and it recognises that each part has its necessary role to play. We can learn in the 8 how to direct our lives and become aware of what is taking place in the world so we can recognise how we don’t want to live and to invest in higher levels of consciousness that become a network of exchange, discernment is our ability to judge well to recognise when we need to re-evaluate and change gears without judgement or criticism. After all the wheel has 8 individual spokes that must work in unison for the wheel to turn.
Power does not equal our social status our material gains or our academic backgrounds, true power holds no judgement on ourselves or others it teaches us that acceptance brings peace and non-acceptance creates war, both internally and externally. The right use of power lies in our ability to be vulnerable yet centred with a clear sense of self, to observe the road ahead, to drive our lives with clarity and purpose.
The unique energetic influence and imprint of the 8 teacher
truly recognises that we are not an island we are a collective energy
made of equal integrated diverse parts
Rita Hiri - 2024