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End of an Era


“Waking up to who you are, requires letting go of

who you Imagine yourself to be”

​Alan Watts


The narrative this year is “Me-Versus-We”- Individual-Versus-Collective and our themes are relating to our personal identity within the collective, and how we express and build versions of our visions within our soul-infused personalities relinquishing our need for depth within the magical flow of human existence. The overall mood of 2025 points towards self-assertion and conscious action towards personal change in our attitude followed by collective action towards change. And while change is always on the horizon, the focus now is quite different as it points towards focusing on freedom and how to regain it, we have handed over our power and it is time not only to recognise this but to reclaim it. Our actions could lead to remarkable developments alongside power struggles within rigid and outdated social structures that begin on a personal level and ripple out towards the collective demanding a great deal of attention as a refined energy that represents all-inclusive acceptance of all that exists within human expression. This is a critical turning point in our growth as it will ask us to understand that the ruthless and often pointless choices and actions of the past can only be healed by acceptance and not blame in order for us to move forward. It is a tall calling as it will require forgiveness by understanding that every country has contributed to mindless actions in the name of power at some point in time during the history of our evolution. If we know and understand this we should embrace this year as a reflective process and as an opportunity to become mindful of our thoughts and not believe everything we are told but rather take a more independent and constructive view of events that are based on humanity with a compassionate attitude so we can change the bigger picture and  not keep repeating the same scenarios. 


Humanities progress and discoveries have much to be marvelled and much that is not to be desired as our modern world is telling us what and how to think, what and how to believe, we are in an ongoing war with the morals and values that represent human life. The solution to our civilisations difficulties is not to be fearful, not to be despondent or even emotional but for more and more people to take the risk to come forward for a better future, by learning to say NO, by learning to QUESTION, and by making different CHOICES, all is out there for the taking and the 9 teaches us to connect with the ideals within us and connect to the common ground that binds us together, the quality of human life and the right to live it. This will push us to make difficult choices, and in our modern world, this requires that we become a little uncomfortable again and not just walking into what is in front of us because it is easy or has become convenient. Regardless of our creed, skin colour, religion, education, income, gender, political beliefs or any other identifier that is used to illusionary separate us from each other and distract us from the truth there is an indestructible force, that eventually wins, this is because of our unifying common connection,  our Human Light and Strength.


Changing our collective awareness can generate visionary leadership based on human value and respect for each other, a visionary leadership that pushes us to dream of creating a better world after all we are part of the same Human System that can choose how it wishes to live. The energy of the 9 urges us to confront our dreams and illusions, revealing where our boundaries have dissolved and where new structures are needed. challenging us to embrace spiritual discipline, transform confusion into clarity, and initiate structures by redefining humanity's boundaries. Our minds search for new impulses this year and look to receive deeper possibilities, perspectives and philosophical thought processes. It is a time for walking away from what does not serve the growth of the collective,  it asks us to walk away from being told how to be and step into soul expanding developments, that serve the whole and not the few.


Methodical structures to changes and expansion with clear emotional direction and communication are the 2025 combinations of the 9-year.



2025            9



These energies can often feel at odds and impulsive as this year’s combinations have the methodical nature of the 4 Archetype and the expressive adventurous 5 Archetype that will challenge us to channel our ambitions productively, emphasising the importance of self-restraint, perseverance, and strategy. Undoubtedly, this will be a time of rapid technological advancements, and we can expect shifts in how information flows, already we see our relationships changing with things like how money is used and the current emphasis on AI and space travel, these stories have yet to fully unfold, and we must be inspired not by the stories themselves or even by our opinions of them but rather the ones we choose to build our life around  because they serve the right kind of evolution for our human race.


The 9 brings focus on old patterns and brings issues to the surface so that structures both on a personal and collective level that are no longer viable are brought to the surface, this can create unease if there is resistance to the change that is inevitable. The energy of renewal will increasingly influence our world of ideas, communications, technologies and science and the quality of our new directions is dependent on recognising if our choices are made from despondence, complacency or the courage to step away from the imposed systems that don’t serve the collective.  The 9 teaches us the value of resilience through direct experience. lessons may feel intense this year and bring important milestones, tests, and opportunities for personal and collective growth as we are asked to accept what has passed and step into the present and we can look at this as a prime opportunity to establish foundations for the next phase of life.


This year we should also  place emphasis on nurturing our connections, finding comfort in our roots, and embracing community care, cultivating deeper relationships that encourage us to lean into what nourishes us and set boundaries around self-care to gain internal clarity, this will help us to see beyond the veils and help us make clear choices that will benefit both the ME and the WE.  


The 9 Asks Us, To Ask...


Are you ready to take responsibility for your choices

Are you ready to embrace your potential

Are you ready to serve the collective

Do your choices serve the collective

Do you act on your thinking process

Do you have the courage to say NO

What am I doing and why

What is the meaning behind what I am doing

What does how I do things have value to the whole


The 9 Archetype helps us to look back to what was going on in our lives for learning and insight and how we may heal old patterns turning them into opportunities for growth.  History doesn’t necessarily have to repeat itself in the same way If we are brave enough to acknowledge what needs to change and have the courage to take the action required  to change, this way we are always moving forward.  The 9 may often feel slow and like it is moving backwards it challenges us to confront emotional undercurrents to take a step back and reevaluate our approach to progress, to clean house, and focus on our intentions.  It’s good to remember that breaking patterns often create setbacks, and frustrations are inevitable during a 9 year, but this period lays the groundwork for a more purposeful and aligned path forward that will hopefully help us be prepared for all the massive changes coming our way. Think of these times as your chance to slow down take stock and evaluate what you would like your inventory to be filled with.



(Ubuntu Philosophy)


Consider the African philosophy of “ubuntu” a concept in which your sense of self is shaped by your relationships with other people, in practice, ubuntu means believing the common bonds within a group are more important than any individual arguments and divisions within it. We have the ability, as people, to tap into our human values, to bring about healing and create a bridge that  connects all, including our relationships with all that resides on our planet, our seas, rivers, forests, plants and animals, all are interconnected systems that function for the benefit of the other.  if we look at our behaviour, we have more in common than not; we have more positive than negative, and we have more similarities than we are lead to believe, we need to remember this and not feed into what we are told because, as a human system, our ultimate goal is to flourish. Our new leaders are in the making, ones that will lead from the  heart, the ones that will establish equitable  systems based on the good for the whole. Our timelines are shifting and what we know and understand is also shifting,  and like any transfiguration we must find the balance within our systems  by learning to simplify our lives, learning that material needs have a  necessary but limited value,  to be centred and grounded and to be around people, communications and energy that lifts us and to see ourselves as light beings as souls that are filled  with marvel and grace. Think of this year as an opportunity to evolve by revisiting old ideas, reorganising your plans, reflecting on your community and asking what holds value and self-worth on a deeply personal level and serves the whole.


Embracing the Nine Archetypal Energy   


The Nine sustains the role of the guide and leads by example reminding us that within us all there is a teacher and a student and everywhere we go there is a mirror creating a reflection in all that we encounter. Helping us to recognise what has been attained and our ability to let go and move on in order to make space for new experiences. Recognising our own internal attributes and sharing these abilities out into the world to make a positive influential difference. The  Nine energy Shines its light on the many paths we choose to take, helping us to recognise our essential essence reminding us of where we come from, and teaching us to stay connected to our internal source, asking us to honour ourselves, our roots, our fundamental beliefs and recognise that all learning is a constant wave towards change.


We  are neither this nor that only a combination of learning that moves us towards balance. The 9  Knows to serve, share, and surrender, leading by positive example, recognises the Integral, behaves with integrity and accepts its limited self as part of its whole.


Wishing you all a Blessed 2025

Rita Hiri


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