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Journey to the Centre

An intuitive transformational journey through the world of numbers


The Journey to the Centre is a unique system of interpretation that utilises creative tools to facilitate and aid us in expanding our awareness, taking us on a self-reflective journey through the world of the Nine Number Archetypes that direct us towards self-actualisation.

At the core of its expression, it is a transformative course which aids us in expanding our internal creative energy, creating a dialogue with our soul self.


"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift."  Albert Einstein


Developing our internal intuitive states of awareness means we learn to trust our innate knowing, that thing we know from the inside, recognising and acknowledging these states of awareness can bring about breakthroughs in our life that can help us to attain clarity opening us up to embrace and cultivate the joy and magic of our dreams and visions.


During this course, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of this energy powerhouse we call our intuition and understand the connection between your physical, emotional, and intellectual states of awareness as we grow our sensations become more vivid, our ability to concentrate increases and creativity is enhanced as we develop a new kind of awareness that connects our internal and external consciousness and opens the holographic capacity of the mind.


Learning to pick up on our intuitive signals takes practice and a willingness to notice the required changes in our daily lives. As we turn our attention inward we can become familiar with and trust our innermost thoughts and feelings and gain the courage to act on them, bringing a greater awareness of who we are and where we are heading, helping us to increase the quality of our lives.



To aid us on our journey tools are required to help us connect to our creative, intuitive self-expressions and bring another dimension to our self-enquiry, guiding us towards manifesting the messages from within and making sense of our story, creating a pathway to externalise what is internalised.

The Nine Number Archetypes each teacher holds a database of information with a combination of characteristics which carry a sequence of elements to facilitate our development. The meaning behind the symbolism of numbers is a ciphering of information that can be related and applied in our personal development to help direct and influence the behaviour of our development, for deeper self-alignment, understanding and direction.

The Centres of Light are spinning vortexes, they exist in the subtle body more commonly known as chakras. These energy points hold the database of our internal information and enable us to transmit our symbolic intuitive processes, frequencies, and impulses of our behaviour patterns and bring them to the surface.

The Light Centre Meditation is a unique guided meditation used as a conscious process, meaning we observe what we feel and translate what we see. Aiding us in the art of being present and as a way of releasing the mind from its everyday preoccupation. Meditation can teach us to take a step backwards from the rollercoaster ride of life and look inward. It becomes the vehicle to the vessel, which transports information from one point of awareness into another, so we gain a new perspective.

Creative Expression is used to bring to the surface the subliminal messages that lay within, helping us to recognise that we are both equally thinking and sensory beings.  Often the conscious mind gets entangled and overactive with thoughts of how we should be directing our lives and overrides our intuitive connection.  Using shapes and symbols we use colour to reflect our story from the inner point and translate the messages that manifest from within.

Journaling is the sanctuary within, it is a tool that may be used as an expression where all the elements of our life can be acknowledged freely, giving us a sense of release, and facilitating the changes we wish to see for ourselves. Recording what we have observed has many positive benefits that may help us gain deeper insights into our behavioural patterns.

Next online class - starting March 2025


Full Rates - 750 GBP


1st Installment due MAR 1st - 250 GBP

2nd Installment due MAY 1st - 250 GBP

3rd Installment due JUL 1st - 250 GBP


*Discounted Rates* 600 GBP


1st Installment due MAR 1st - 200 GBP

2nd Installment due MAY 1st - 200 GBP

3rd Installment due JUL 1st - 200 GBP



  • Payments outside of the UK via PayPal or Wise

  • Payments within the UK direct bank transfer may be made

  • Discounted rates are available on request



  • Registration Fee & Course Material fees 75 GBP

  • Within 7 days a full refund excluding registration & course material fees

  • Instalment payments Within 7 days a full refund excluding registration & course material fees and any prior modules already attended or any existing active modules within the cancellation date.



When you have registered you will receive the course material and initial instructions there are parts within each module that will require pre-module preparation at home.


Spaces are limited to a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 per group 


​The sessions will be held live on Zoom


Please note that timings are variable, we may go slightly under or over the allocated time so please allow some flexibility in your scheduling.

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